Remediation and Academic Improvement Plan

Remediation and Academic Improvement Plan jeff

Academic Improvement Plan


Lakeview College of Nursing actively promotes and supports students' academic achievement through remediation.  Students are required to demonstrate ongoing remediation efforts to improve academic success. The content remediation will be suggested by the course coordinator in the Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) for students failing to meet academic standards.

The student is responsible for completing the AIP and the course expectations, as directed in the course syllabus.

For Insufficient Academic Progress:

  1. The student will be notified by the course instructor when the student fails to meet the academic standard in the course by the online AIP via email.
  2. A copy of the AIP will be emailed to the academic advisor and the records office. A copy will be sent to the Skills Lab Coordinator and to the tutor as needed.   
  3. The instructor for the student will write out the AIP. This may include all or any of the following recommendations or assignments:
    1. Review related content in any of the course’s resources and develop a study plan.
    2. Take/repeat ATI-focused review tests, online learning assignments, and/or other learning activities that correlate with the syllabus content.
    3. If the AIP relates to skill performance, the student will make an appointment with the Skills Lab Coordinator to practice and demonstrate mastery.
    4. Make an appointment with the course instructor/coordinator, advisor, or tutor.

For Insufficient/Unsatisfactory Clinical Performance Remediation:

  1. The student will be notified by the course coordinator or clinical instructor when the student fails to meet the clinical performance standards in the course by the online AIP via email. In addition, a copy of the AIP will be emailed to the academic advisor and the record’s office. A copy will be sent to the Skills Lab Coordinator and the tutor as needed. The student will meet with the course coordinator and/or clinical instructor to identify areas of weakness and expected level of performance.
  2. The AIP will be written out by the course coordinator and/or clinical instructor for the student. This may include all or any of the following recommendations or assignments  
    1. Review related content in any of the course’s resources and develop a study plan.
    2. Take/repeat additional ATI-focused review tests, online learning assignments, and/or other learning activities that correlate with the syllabus content.
    3. If the AIP relates to skill performance, the student will make an appointment with the Skills Lab Coordinator to practice and demonstrate mastery.
    4. Make an appointment with the course instructor/coordinator and advisor.

Unsafe Practice/Unprofessional Behavior Remediation Plan:

Unsafe practice and unprofessional clinical behavior may include abandonment, neglect, or actions outside the student nurses’ scope of practice. Unprofessional clinical behavior may include violating any clinical policies, LCN policies, and/or professional codes of conduct.

  1. The student will be notified by the course coordinator or clinical instructor of the failure when the student failure to meet the safe practice and/or professional behavior standards by the online AIP via email.
  2. A copy of the AIP will be emailed to the academic advisor and the Records office. A copy will be sent to the Skills Lab Coordinator as needed.
  3. The student will meet with the course coordinator and/or clinical instructor to identify the unacceptable behavior(s) and develop an individual remediation plan.
  4. The AIP will be written out by the course coordinator and/or clinical instructor for the student. This may include all or any of the following recommendations or assignments
    1. Review related content in any of the course’s resources and develop a study plan.
    2. Take/repeat additional ATI-focused review tests, online learning assignments, and/or other learning activities that correlate with the syllabus content.
    3. If the AIP relates to skill performance, the student will make an appointment with the Skills Lab Coordinator to practice and demonstrate mastery.
    4. Make an appointment with the course instructor/coordinator, advisor, or tutor as needed.

Assessment Information

Assessment and program improvement efforts are expectations for accreditation.  LCN uses a systematic process to obtain relevant data for program effectiveness.   The process is inclusive and is used to drive decision-making.  The process is written, ongoing, comprehensive, and exists to evaluate the achievement of program outcomes.

Student participation in the assessment program is critical for program improvement. Students participate in assessment upon admission to the college, during the program, and post-college experiences. The following activities are designed to obtain student input into the academic experience at LCN.

  • Prospective Students - Admissions Testing
  • All students every semester - Midterm Evaluations, Course and Clinical evaluations, Tea with the Dean of Nursing, Student Forums, and Student Suggestion Boxes
  • All Students Biennially - Noel Levitz, NSSE
  • Students in Final Semester – Skyfactor
  • Graduates - Graduate Survey [prior to graduation]
  • Alumni - Postgraduate Employment Survey
    [6 months following graduation]