
Welcome jeff

A message from the President


I'd like to welcome you to Lakeview College of Nursing and thank you for choosing us for your educational journey in nursing. The College has a proud tradition of preparing nurses for professional practice for over 120 years. Our faculty are highly educated and skilled in helping you to reach your goal in becoming a baccalaureate prepared nurse. The curriculum is designed to prepare you for beginning professional nursing practice. I realize this time is as important in the lives of students as it is for those who support and encourage your academic growth, and I am confident that your journey at Lakeview College of Nursing will reveal unimagined strengths and opportunities. I wish you well on your educational journey.  I am truly looking forward to meeting each of you and celebrating in your academic success as you walk across the stage at our graduation ceremony.

Welcome to Lakeview College of Nursing,

Sheila Mingee, MBA, MSEd
College President

A message from the Dean of Nursing

On behalf of the faculty of Lakeview College of Nursing, we are pleased to welcome incoming and continuing students. We expect that your nursing student experience at Lakeview College of Nursing will immerse you into diverse and stimulating opportunities for both professional and personal growth. Opportunities for baccalaureate prepared nurses are rapidly changing. We expect to see our graduates as front-runners in health care, promoting and fostering change and growth in all aspects of the nursing profession.

We hope you will find this Student Handbook a valuable resource tool in addressing your questions and concerns as a LCN student. It is essential that you familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures, using this for general information about Lakeview College of Nursing and the LCN community we serve both internally and externally.

Welcome to our college, with best wishes for success and fulfillment in your journey.

Jessica Sotiriou, RN, MSN