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Student Government Association (SGA)

Students participate in shared governance through the Student Government Association (SGA). SGA officers are elected on both the Danville and Charleston Campuses.  All students are members of the SGA.  SGA provides several College-wide mechanisms for students to give input or to raise issues.  Students review and coordinate student government business, serve as ex-officio members on organizational committees. 

SGA also provides a mechanism for students to raise issues that may need to be aired in the form of the “Open Forum.”  SGA officers facilitate Open Forums to hear the students concerns.  The Director of Assessment attends the forum to gather data for program improvement.  Information from the forum is compiled and communicated to the faculty, staff, and other administrators. Feedback or action is reported to students at SGA meetings.

Students are further involved in improving the quality of the program through completion of the course and faculty evaluations, surveys (Noel-Levitz SSI and EBI Exit Survey), and through suggestion boxes on each campus.  Faculty and administration use student input toward curriculum development and course refinement, and institutional improvement.

All enrolled students are members of the Lakeview College of Nursing SGA and can participate as a member or an elected officer in the Student Government Association. SGA officers must be full-time students in good standing. Please refer to Student Government By-Laws and the SGA student learning outcomes.


Student Nurses Association of Illinois/National Student Nurses Association

Students are encouraged to be active participants in SNAI/NSNA, nursing student associations on a local, state, and national level. The College supports membership in the National Student Nurse Association, which is the professional organization for student nurses. LCN will pay the membership fee (one year) for SGA officers.  In addition to meetings and local activities on each campus, students are encouraged to attend the State and National conventions and to serve as officers at all levels.  Please visit www.nsna.org to learn more about membership benefits (leadership opportunities, awards and recognition, and scholarships).